Mud. Slippery. Stuck. Slide. Dirt. Squish. Grubby….. you can only imagine. The condition of the road to PaTang Village in Kaleum District is almost impassible. Yet two TerraClear sales reps, Kadam and Lampang, pushed through. Travelling for 4 hours on a road that, honestly, can hardly be considered passable, these two intrepid workers carried 7 filters on the back of their motorbikes, to bring clean water to very needy families in this remote, isolated region.
The road crossed rivers that have no bridge, mountains that have no other access, and arrived muddied and exhausted. But their work was not done. After the arduous journey, Kadam and Lampang took time to meet with villagers, explaining the benefits of clean water. Teaching the families about the reasons open water sources are not good to drink and cause water borne illnesses, these two TerraClear reps helped the families to understand the importance of drinking clean water.
Seven poor families participated in the program, paying 10% of the cost of the filter. The rest of the cost of the filter is subsidized by donors, people who contribute financially to help needy families have clean drinking water in their own homes. These 7 recipient families consisted of 44 family members (average of over 6 people per family). Two of the adults in these families are permanently disabled from accidents. Life is hard in Kaleum, dangerous, and difficult. But now, thanks to TerraClear and generous donations, these seven families can have clean drinking water in their own homes. Rather than continually fighting water borne illnesses, these families will be stronger, healthier, and benefit from all the advantages of clean drinking water. Thank you, Kadam and Lampang!!