The TerraKids team was recently invited to share their interactive school presentation at a primary school in a very remote village. The team traveled more than 2 hours over dusty roads to reach the school. As they neared the school, they were surprised to see many moms walking to school that morning too.
When the team arrived at the school, they found the village headman and a teacher welcoming the moms along with all the regular students. The teacher and the village headman had been talking with all their neighbors in the village about TerraClear water filters and how much they appreciated having clean, safe drinking water in their home as a result of buying this filter. When the moms heard that the TerraKids Team from TerraClear was coming to visit the school to deliver donated water filters to classrooms, the moms wanted to know more about our company. So, many moms (and some dads) came to school and joined the TerraKids Presentation.
The extra (older) students listened intently and were very happy to participate in the activities that promote good health, child safety and anti-trafficking. The moms really enjoyed singing the educational songs and dancing along with the students and trainers. At the very end of the presentation, the donated water filters were presented to each classroom and the teachers and parents had the opportunity to buy a water filter for their own personal use. The TerraClear Company representative (pictured in the back row wearing a blue shirt) was able to explain and show how the water filter works and answer each person who had questions. Many of the moms who went to school that day ordered a water filter that was delivered and set up in their home a few days later. The moms, along with their families, were very thankful that they went to school that day!