Laos is a rapidly developing country, but not everyone is keeping up. People need clean drinking water in their homes and schools. A study published in 2018 revealed that 87.7% of the water consumed in rural areas of Laos still tests positive for E.coli contamination. Community water supplies are difficult to build and maintain in rural areas. Our cause is to drastically reduce the number of people drinking from contaminated sources.
Ceramic pot water purifiers are widely used around the world to remove bacteria contamination. These filters, produced locally, are ideal for Laos as they need only gravity to function, require no ongoing consumables and are intuitive to use. Each filter produces and stores enough drinking water for a large family.
TerraClear has two social programs where donors can make a lifelong impact.
TerraKids hosts educational programs about subjects like children’s rights, safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. TerraKids partners with District Education Ministries in Laos to identify at-risk and needy schools. Once a school has been identified by the Department, our staff surveys the school and makes a plan with the school to install filters and hold a day of educational programs.
If you would like to give to TerraKids, please donate through the 501c3 organization TerraClear Foundation online.
Or, use our Contact Page to reach out for more information.
- A gift of 70 USD provides clean drinking water for a classroom of 30 around students.
- A gift of 500 USD allows us to hold an educational event at a school with subjects like children’s rights, safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene.
- A gift of 1,000 USD allows us to hold a two-day training for District Educators and Teachers.
TerraCare is a voucher program with a goal of providing 10,000 filters to the poor and marginalized by 2023.
See our Stories about Our Work page for stories of how TerraCare has impacted families and villages or visit our YouTube channel for a video about TerraCare in English, French and German.
To support TerraCare there are several options depending on where you are from:
- Supporters from the United States can donate through the 501c3 organization TerraClear Foundation online.
- Supporters from Germany can send money to:
Mennonitisches Hilfswerk
Sparkasse Ingolstadt
Konto-Nr.: 3616, BLZ: 721 500 00
IBAN: DE98 7215 0000 0000 0036 16
Betreff: TerraCare
(Wenn Sie eine Spendenbescheinigung möchten, vergessen Sie ihre Anschrift nicht im Betreff der Überweisung.) - Supporters from Canada can visit the donation page at Millennium Relief and Develop Service (MRDS Canada) and mark the donation for “TerraClear Laos”.
- Supporters from France can sponsor a filter through Service Fraternel d’Entraide by selecting “Parrainer un filtre” on their donation page.
- Supporters from all Other Countries are welcome to give through any of the above channels but will not receive a tax deductible receipt for doing so.
Or use our Contact Page to reach out for more information.